To submit an abstract:

  • Complete steps 1 to 5 bellow. This will be an “type” or “cut and paste” operation
  • Data entry is case sensitive and will appear exactly as is entered
  • All fields marked * are required! Please submit your abstracts only in English

Step 1: Enter the title of the abstract

Title of presentation in English

Titlul lucrării în limba română (title of presentation in Romanian)

Step 2: select the presentation method

Presentation method:


Step 3: Enter institutions (affiliations) and author names

Presenting author




Institution (affiliation)

Other authors

Coauthor 1: Name and surname:

Coauthor 1: Institution (affiliation)

Coauthor 2: Name and surname

Coauthor 2: Institution (affiliation)

Coauthor 3: Name and surname

Coauthor 3: Institution (affiliation)

Coauthor 4: Name and surname

Coauthor 4: Institution (affiliation)

Coauthor 5: Name and surname

Coauthor 5: Institution (affiliation)

Coauthor 6: Name and surname

Coauthor 6: Institution (affiliation)

Coauthor 7: Name and surname

Coauthor 7: Institution (affiliation)


Step 4: Enter the body text of the abstract

The text of your abstract should be entered below. Data entry is case sensitive and will appear exactly as entered. The expected Abstract should not exceed 400 words.

DO NOT enter any html, tables, graphs or images. Do not type authors and affiliations here. These will be authomaticaly inserted from the informations provided at previous step.

Step 5: patient consent

We confirm the we have obtained written consent from the patient (or next of kin or parent/guardian as appropriate) for publication of any individual clinic details

Step 6: Submit your abstract