Acceptance Conditions
Submitted abstracts should fit into one of the following two categories:
Original work
Clinical case
Abstracts should be related to one of the selected conference topics and should reflect personal research /clinical case or the research clinical case of the clinic which the participant represents theoreticalliterature review presentations will not be considered for inclusion.
Abstracts should not have been presented or published elsewhere.
The responsibility of the abstract content and of obtaining ail institutional approvals belongs to the authors.
For case reports. the authors are also responsible for obtaining consent for publication from the patient/parents/next of kin. prior to abstract submission.
Accepted oral presentations
Oral presentations should be provided in ppt 2013-2019 format or pptx format. The maximum duration of the presentation should be 7 minutes. Bring your oral presentations on a memory stick on site. No theoretical presentations are admitted (literature review). No case presentations are admitted.
Posters will be displayed on digital support (LED screens) Posters will be displayed in landscape orientation and should be formatted at a length of 1920 pixels and a height of 1080 pixels All posters should be PowerPoint presentations (ppt or pptx), in widescreen 16:9 format.
Instructions for writing abstracts
The abstracts will be written in US English and will include:
- Title
- Full names of all authors separated by commas, associated with superscripted affiliations (no abbreviations/initials, no academic or professional titles included)
- Full institutional affiliation for each author (department. institute. town and country: for multiple affiliations, each should be listed as a separate paragraph)
- Email address for presenting author
- Abstract text – structured to include the foliowing sections: for Onginal work Introduction. Methods, Results. Conclusions: for Case reports Introduction. Case report. Conclusions. Paragraph headings should be typed in bold with no colon at tne end (the word count for the abstract text should be below 400 words. formatted with single line spacing, unjustified. only SI units should be included; abbreviations should be used as spanngly as possible and should be defined when first used)
- Acknowledgement (mention here any applicable acknowledgments conflicts of interest to declare funding sources, etc
- Consent For case reports, the authors should mention that consent for publication was obtained from the patient/parents/next of kin
- Abstracts for randomized controlled trials should include the trial registry along with the unique identifying number.
Tables, Figures and References should be included in the oral or poster presentation rather than in the abstract {f it is absolutely necessary to include any of these elements in the abstract, kindly contact the scientific committee
Accepted abstracts will be published in English as Conference Proceedings with ISSN The abstract’s title snould also be provided in Romanian as this version will be included in the final program
An e-mail address of the presenting authors ts required for contact with the conference organizing committee This email address may also be published online together with the abstract Submission of abstracts is considered an acceptance of the above-mentioned terms.